czwartek, 25 marca 2010


Hitler Gets Google Slapped

- Leader, we're ready to launch our geotargeted campaign in Germany. If you look, we can target several locations in and around Berlin using the new domain our development team has created.

- Don't worry about the new domain, use our aged domain to get lower CPC.

- My leader our domain got slapped to a 1 quality score last night. We've been on hold all day trying to talk to someone at Google.

- Anyone who uses Bing, Yahoo, media buys or SEO please leave. You have got to be kidding me! This slap crap is getting ridiculous! We spent 4 years building backlinks and kissing Google's rich ASS! Far What? Now we're basically screwed. Get ready to eat the crap sandwich for about 3 months now! Our competitors must be grinning from ear to god damned ear. And there goes our damn affiliate bonus too..

- Leader our new domain may be ok.

- Are you high?! You been puffin the magic dragon?

- No sir, not anymore.

- Bull crap! I caught you just last week in the parking lot! You think you've got Google All figured out. But while you're busy sucking on the bong, Google is dry humping all of us! For gods sake we had 500 articles and a link back from DMOZ! Now we're stuck with this new domain and I bet you haven't even dug it yet! It's getting harder and harder to walk because my anus is raw! Google This and Google That.. I hate them worse than Stalin. I admit.. I love YouTube.. I have the god damned icon on my desktop next to Skype. Now thats loyalty. What now, third tier search engines? Thanks Google for the shaft! My granddaughters flower blog gets more traffic than they do. She even has a mailing list now. Of course Google's not dry humping her,
so she can make a damn dollar. Now all she needs is a damn eBook on ClickBank!

- Don't worry.. he doesn't know about our eBook project.

- Just call them again even if you're on hold all damn night long. Understand? The trick is to mask all affiliate links and hide our affiliate status on everything. It's the only way to solve this struggle.

Leave me now.

poniedziałek, 21 grudnia 2009


Jak działa trójwymiarowa telewizja? Zobacz sam! Od poniedziałku 21 grudnia do piątku 7 stycznia 2010 Panasonic zaprasza do warszawskiej Arkadii na prezentację kina domowego 3D FULL HD 1980x1080.

Na 103 calowym ekranie zostaną wyświetlone trójwymiarowe filmy w wysokiej rozdzielczości. Filmy zostaną odtworzone z Blu-ray'a. Widzowie otrzymają trójwymiarowe okulary.

Centrum Handlowe Arkadia mieści sie przy Al. Jana Pawła II 82.

Wyświetl większą mapę

1888 rok - Pierwszy film. Tytuł: Roundhay Garden Scene. Reżyser: August Le Prince.